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How to Groom Your Mutt with Love was written for the home groomer and the dogs that they groom. In my years of grooming, I have seen many a sad face on both the owners and the dogs after home grooming. "Can you fix this?" being the first question asked. These are just the people who bring their dogs to a professional afterwards. Many just learn as they go and continue grooming their dogs at home. Proper handling and training while you groom, along with safety issues are very important to know before you groom your dog, not "as you go along". With this book about dog grooming, you will learn how to clip toe nails, clean ears, and everything in between. There are tips on where to groom and techniques to
use for cooperation from your dog. Ways to help your dog feel more secure during the grooming will be discussed. You will learn about knots, how to remove them, and prevent them through brushing or clipping. All of the things that you need to do before the bath to make the bath
easier and more productive will be discussed, including how to bathe properly. If your dog is not bathed properly, problem areas tend to get neglected. Different shampoo, cream rinse, and their uses will be explained in detail. The proper shampoo and rinse choice is essential in getting good results. Scissoring techniques will be explained and made simple. All the detail work that makes the difference between a fair haircut and a great haircut will be covered. The finishing touches will be applied and you will learn all the tricks to make your
dog beautiful. The most commonly asked questions will be answered, along with many safety tips. Safety is important when combining sharp instruments and wiggly dogs. With all this information you will be able to transform your dishevel dog into a real looker.